ICLV 2021

Presentations and Downloads from T3 Sixty

10 Steps to a Fast-Growing Brokerage or Team

Looking for your playbook to growth and success? Then this session is for you! Whether you lead a brokerage or are growing a team, you face many business challenges that other leaders have already tackled. Learn from those who have walked the path before you.

3 Strategies for Recruiting Productive Agents

Gain a true picture of your recruiting landscape and how it affects your bottom line profit. Armed with this knowledge, you can then create recruiting personas to gain a clear picture of the agents who are the best fit for your organization. Lastly, you will learn how to create and implement a set of fundamental recruiting practices that will make business growth your new reality.

10 Key Areas for Closing Gaps and Driving Growth

The secrets of your future business growth are in discovering the strengths and weaknesses of your current systems, marketing assets, people and financial information. This learning session will start you on the path to gaining a true understanding of your company’s landscape to determine your business’s direction and focus, so you can create a more productive and profitable organization.

For more information, schedule a complimentary meeting.